Saturday, January 21, 2006

4) The Tent, Margaret Atwood

Book number four - The Tent by Margaret Atwood. I actually bought another of her books while I was in Chicago this past week called "The Handmaid's Tale". It got soaked with perfume when a bottle broke in my luggage, so it will be a *fragrant* literary journey when I get to it.

3/5 stars

Margaret Atwood is prolific, that's for sure, witty, sometimes crass, enduringly sharp-tongued, and this collection of essays, poetry, and flash fiction shows off each of these traits of hers quite well. There were around 20 stories inside, but three were my favorites: "Bring Back Mom: An Invocation" was downright sad but very poignant; "The Animals Reject Their Names" like a mini-epic regarding the de-evolution of the world; "Orphan Stories" is harsh but by the end you feel pegged. I wouldn't recommend this book to someone to buy, but for a quick read inside Barnes and Noble, sure! Some of her longer works, such as the Handmaid's Tale, may be more worthy to bring on a trip - "The Tent" isn't long enough to provide much diversion.


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