Sunday, November 26, 2006

5 Things to Be Thankful For

70) Just Like Heaven, Patrick McDonnell
Companion book to my first book of the year. Short and sweet, emphasis on both adjectives.

71) Words Fails Me, Teresa Monachino
Fun anomalies and abnormalities of English words. Right up my alley, although unique in its focus on visuals and graphics to bring out linguistic oddities.

72) Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats, T.S. Eliot
Nothing beats a collection of good old nonsense poetry -- should be read aloud for maximum enjoyment and maximum stares from other Barnes & Noble customers.

73) Four Quartets, T.S. Eliot
A staple of any Eliot diet -- I come back to this piece, along with "The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock", countless times every year and enjoy them both more and more.

74) The Artemis Fowl Files, Eoin Colfer
A copule of short stories and "interviews" with the Artemis Fowl characters. Not sure what I think about the growing trend to put out "accessory" books -- probably just another way to exploit the money coming in off of popular authors, making a further franchise out of fantasy and filling the shelves with literary fluff -- but if they publish it and I read it, it goes on the list, dangit!

Here's to catching up with quick reads on long weekends!


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